Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I remember Mary, blonde hair, blue eyes and laughing.

She was the first young person I knew who died.

I thought about her Monday as I watched two Bryan kids riding a bike down High Street. One was pedaling; the other was standing on the back of the bike, holding on — most of the time.

You see, Mary died in a bike accident. She had taken her brother’s new bike out for a test ride. It was a 10-speed, all the rage in my day, and Mary was weaving in and out of cars on a busy street. That was before any of us had even thought of wearing a helmet.

The kids Monday didn’t have helmets on either.

Mary’s death soured me on riding bikes. When you’re in the fourth grade and you lead the Girl Scouts up the aisle in the church before a sixth-grader’s casket, well, it makes an impression on you.

I didn’t ride bikes much after that. And I haven’t changed my personal opinion in adulthood.

Oh, I don’t think they are horrible monsters of death. I just prefer to walk.

And to see kids with helmets.

If your children or the neighbor’s kids are out riding bikes in Bryan, it’s time for you to get them helmets. Please, let the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts enjoy their summer. They shouldn’t have to attend any funerals.

Mary’s was more than enough.